12 February 2025
Will Crypto-Powered Web Browser Kill Popular Web Browsers?
The Internet emerged as a technological wonder by connecting the world. Wherein the 3Ws - World Wide Web opened up the Internet for everyone to use. All this altogether works on a web browser, a software application that gives access to the World Wide Web. The most popular web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc. This phenomenon changes lives globally and opens a world of possibilities. One such possibility is it helped Cryptocurrency and Blockchain to flourish, which created an opportunity for a Crypto-Powered Web Browser. A new business model that has been recently giving a tough competition to all the traditional Web browsers.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency have revolutionized the finance and technology spectrum. It has created potentiality and opportunities by building a trust system based on transparency. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the first Cryptocurrency along with Blockchain technology; this 12 years of journey has seen some significant developments, advancements, and growth. It has many use-cases and functions in various industries such as Finance, Banking, Law Enforcement, Smart Contracts, Logistics, IoT, and many more. Many large corporations and investors are either building products and services or investing in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the Will Crypto-Powered Web Browser Kill Popular Web Browsers?
If you are wondering that we already have this so what makes Crypto-powered web browsers different? Let’s take the example that you want to buy a piece of furniture. You have so many options to make your purchase, such as going to the store or buying it online. But wouldn’t it be efficient if there was a dedicated website for furniture? A place where all sorts of furniture are in one place instead of browsing everywhere. This would make your work accessible, faster, efficient, and it would cut the additional charges otherwise laid out by intermediaries. A dedicated website for a product or service to reduce friction. Similarly, a Crypto-powered web browser reduces the friction of Cryptocurrency use.
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Crypto-Powered Web Browser enables its users to create and use applications through Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. Crypto-powered web browsers make accessing and using faster, facilitate privacy and security, and gives you control, unlike users’ data privacy concerns that are being misused by many traditional web browsers.
Many Crypto-powered web browsers have been growing popular with an increase in the active user counts.
1. One such popular Crypto-powered web browser is Brave Browser, an open-source web browser created by Brendan Eich - Mozilla founder and JavaScript creator. In 2020, they announced that over the past year its monthly active user count increased by 125%. It’s 6 times faster and facilitates search engine, automatically locks ads, data protection, Brave wallet, Brave DEX Aggregator, blocks invasive trackers, less memory use, drains less battery life, and browsing rewards. It also offers an opt-in to see ads where you are paid with Cryptocurrency.
Brendan Eich said, "People have had a long time to acclimate to Chrome but users don't like a lot of things about it," "They don't like how it tracks you, they don't like the anti-trust issues Google has become entangled in." "Google is going to be taken apart over coming years—mostly due to regulators' dislike of its surveillance methods.”
2. Similarly, nOS is also a Crypto-powered web founded by Dean van Dugteren. It facilitates the discovery and creation of applications with the use of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. It provides apps that integrate with Cryptocurrencies, Crypto contribution to the apps with Attention-Based rewards, apps listings, app management, Crypto wallet, Crypto Exchange, and so forth.
To conclude, a Crypto-powered Web browser is a new generation Web-browser that will take the world by storm.
Disclaimer: The author’s views and opinions are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment, or other advice.