12 February 2025
How is Creative Commons (CCO) related to NFTs?
We've all felt the pain of copyright issues. There are many who say the problem is too complicated to ever be solved. Problems with copyright may be overcome with the help of CCO. One of the best parts is that creators may provide permission for their works to be used in many ways by others. Both professional as well as personal usage are possible. CCO, also referred to as the "Creative Commons", means "no rights reserved" in the context of intellectual property. It's a kind of intellectual property protection that lets writers sign away legal rights to their work in exchange for the opportunity to release as much of it as possible online without restriction. In the case of NFTs, this is done so that owners may make derivative works based on the artwork included inside their NFT for whatever purpose, whether it is replication, marketing, or advertising. Under this agreement, you aren't even required to use a non-free tool. So, you may use any NFT in the set as your company's logo if you choose.
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Popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has skyrocketed over the last two years, with high-profile initiatives such as BAYC and CryptoPunks selling NFTs for tens of thousands of dollars each. World of Women, which attracted an exclusive relationship with Reese Witherspoon's production firm Hello Sunshine in February, has even received celebrity endorsement. Many NFT holders are optimistic about the prospective long-term worth of NFTs via rights to intellectual property as well as a copyright designation, CCO, despite the skepticism of others in the Cryptocurrency world regarding the continued relevance of the surge of NFT initiatives focusing on profile pictures (PFPs).
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Creative Commons and Non-Fungible Tokens
Non-Fair Use Works licensed under the Creative Commons license are good instances of accessible property rights. The problem of scarcity is one of the first to be mentioned. As a result of NFTs, fewer virtual currencies as well as goods are available for use. So, it stands to reason that releasing an NFT underneath a CCO license would drive up its price and so increase its scarcity. The scarcity or cost of items is not diminished in any way. If you're interested in contributing to an open-source project, you'll be glad to know that doing so will help the community as a whole create IP. An energetic community is one of the most important features of the Web3 space. However, not all NFTs are CCO projects, and not all NFTs need a CCO license. Moreover, CCOs show that there is another way to disseminate and then use NFTs.
Creative Commons Explained
Certain NFT fans, though, argue that NFT works of art must be publicly owned. In the family of Creative Commons licenses, CCO is the most lenient. The CCO allows for the complete and unrestricted distribution of works by their creators for any reason, including financial gain. Any person or entity may freely exhibit, perform, re-produce, publish, and alter the Work in any manner they see fit. Karas claims that CCO categorization is analogous to publicly available categorization, which often covers works by established artists who are no longer in existence. Developers of software, text, audio, photographs, as well as videos may relinquish full copyrights as well as associated rights by submitting their creations for a CCO categorization. CCO doesn't provide any individual or organization monopoly control over the work or restrict others' ability to distribute or display it. Since there is no restriction on the number of times an individual's NFT might well be replicated, proponents of CCO categories claim that this adds value to projects. To the tune of millions of dollars, the Nouns Cryptocurrency has been traded thanks to its many forks as well as derivative art pieces. The whole concept rests on the theory that the greater popular a work of derivative artwork becomes, the more valuable the original NFT would become.
Why is Creative Commons Crucial?
Creative Common NFTs are especially important now since they foster societal development. Together, the members of the community are capable of creating new intellectual property, with each individual contributing significantly to the final product. As it has widespread support across NFT groups and so should not be dismissed lightly. The use of CCO copyright is spreading across NFT projects. Take Goblin Town, for example, which is one of the most hilariously outlandish NFT plans that has been proposed for 2022. Due to the CCO status of the project, forks spread rapidly. The variants of Goblin Town dominated OpenSea's volume charts after June 2, 2022, when they accounted for an astounding 43.7% of all export growth on the platform. The growth of the NFT ecosystem is dependent on its cultural significance, and a CCO license is one of the most powerful tools for achieving this goal. Taking a look at the Nouns NFT project, one of the first to experiment with Creative Commons, demonstrates the potential use of the CC0 license. Following voting on various suggestions for the use of NFTs in the society, participants of the Nouns DAO allowed many initiatives, including partnering with Budweiser, producing a documentary, starting a Nouns coffee brand, and making a gift to benefit Ukrainian refugees. The total value of the 26,270 ETH in the Nouns DAO Treasury was almost $45 million since about August 2022.
Disclaimer: The author’s thoughts and comments are solely for educational reasons and informative purposes only. They do not represent financial, investment, or other advice.